There are dozens of “car sites” out there – so why do we need another one – what makes RideCache different?

RideCache’s mission is to provide you with a tool to organize, manage and preserve everything you do to and with your vehicles. Our goal is to enhance the enjoyment of your vehicle experience and help you to build real, lasting, transferable value in your vehicles.

Here are 5 big ways that RideCache is different from most of the other “car sites and apps” out there:

  1. Professional Tool, Not a Social Media Toy
    RideCache is a professionally developed software tool designed to help car enthusiasts and collectors more effectively organize, manage and document everything they do to and with their cars. Yes, there is also a social aspect as you can share your rides and browse and follow other rides, but many of our user’s vehicles are kept fully private. So unlike many other sites, RideCache is not trying to be “Facebook for cars”. Being the best possible software tool for car enthusiasts and collectors is our primary goal, social is secondary.
  2. Robust Privacy and Security
    With RideCache, you can confidently build a COMPLETE digital record of everything associated with your vehicles – all in one place and safe from theft, fire, flood or loss. RideCache has invested in a robust foundation of security and fine grain privacy controls, enabling you to digitally archive everything important to your vehicles in a single location –  title documents, appraisals, loan documents, insurance papers, warranties, part receipts, etc. Many of the other sites and apps out there offer all or nothing privacy (if they have any privacy controls at all). With RideCache, you have full, multi-level privacy control over every individual element in your account – every picture, part, task, paper, event, etc – share what you want with who you want and keep the rest securely private. Then easily transfer the complete record to a new owner with a single click when the time comes.
  3. Deep, Purpose-Built Feature Set for Enthusiasts
    RideCache offers a deep feature set enabling users to easily and efficiently organize, manage and preserve everything they do to and with their vehicles. This includes specific functionality to organize and manage tasks, wish lists, notifications, parts, paperwork, events and more. RideCache also allows users to assign privileges to other users, allowing them access to the owner’s vehicle to make modifications to some items – this is perfect for trusted family members, race team members, collection managers and mechanics. Contrast this with most other sites and apps that have limited or simple “garage” functionality for a few pictures, specs and parts and are limited to single user access.
  4. Services and Support
    We strive to make RideCache as easy to use as possible, but building a great RideCache for your collection does take time and at least some computer skill. For those who want a great RideCache for their vehicles but don’t have the time, ability or inclination to build their own we provide the RideCache Build and RideCache Valet services where our professionals will take your information and deliver a great RideCache for you. We are dedicated to your success with RideCache and provide responsive support to ensure you have a great experience – we really want you to use and love your RideCache experience!
  5. Subscription-based, Pay Service
    And that is a good thing! It is about focus and development. Our focus is on you and your success and enjoyment as an enthusiast and collector. We spend all of our development dollars investing in ways to make your experience better – if we succeed and provide great value to you, we get paid.

    1. No ads
    2. Not trying to sell you anything
    3. Not trying to sell your car

But at the end of the day, RideCache is a tool, not a shiny trinket. And like all good tools, they don’t add any value sitting in your toolbox – you have to use them. Building your RideCache into something enjoyable and valuable takes some work – but it will pay off in lasting enjoyment and real, transferable value for your vehicles. And if you want some help, we offer the RideCache Build and RideCache Valet services to assist in building your own RideCache.

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